Saturday, January 23, 2016

A New Beginning

Hey hey, welcome to my third blog! First, I had a Xanga, for the delightful teenage-angst stage of life. Second, I (still) have my Tumblr, which I use for ranting and reblogging.  But this one I want to be a little different. I'm not blogging to make money. I blog because I love to write. But instead of ranting and raving, highs and lows, I want to be intentional about finding the important things in my life.  2015 was the year that I started to find out what makes me happy.  I am hoping that 2016 will bring the same and more.

If I may be so bold, I have a talent. I am a natural writer. I don't practice a lot, and I can't explain what the proper grammar for that sentence I'm looking for is all the time, but I am still good at writing. So if you have been given a talent, you should probably use it, right? My husband is a good writer too, but he doesn't always realize it. He thinks of tons of story ideas, writes them down, and then writes one scene at a time, completely out of order, usually while drinking whisky.  I write differently. I write mostly stream of consciousness while self-editing, thinking but everything is usually in order the first time.  I write while listening to music. Today I'm listening to Jason Mraz's "Yes!".  I'm usually drinking wine.

I watched a lot of people slave over papers in college. They would spend days planning, and then writing, and then editing. I never did that. I could write a ten page paper in two days max and get the top grade on it.  College, and school in general, was always easy for me. I never had to work very hard. I was lucky. Entering the real world has proved to be a slap in the face. I have to work hard, I had to develop a strong work ethic, and I have to care a lot more about how I do things.

That is why I wanted to begin a new blog.  I want to write about the things in my life. I want to give a real perspective of a mid-20's married-but-not-having-kids-yet girl/woman. I want to share it with other people so that they don't feel so alone.  I have been on Facebook too much lately, comparing my life to other people my age. I know a girl my age who just bought a house.  I saw this pop up on my feed, and I almost cried. David and I have been looking at houses and can only dream so far. We are not even sure what the next 6 months holds for us. But ultimately, that's okay. We are holding out for bigger things, and sometimes that means waiting until the perfect time.

This blog is about the journey.

1 comment:

  1. If I may be allowed to comment... The great questions of life are the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Easily, the two least important questions are Where and How. Where will you live and How will you manage to accomplish it? Those really don't matter as much as the others. Two more questions are a little more important, but they are more up to you and your attitude - What will you do with your life, and When will you do it? Only you can decide the answers to these. But far and away, the two most important questions, and they go hand in hand, are the Who and the Why. Who you choose to spend your life with, and Why does life have meaning? If you get the right Who, it gives you the Why.

    Rhia, you've got the Who and the Why, so you know you are a lucky woman. Now, go just experience the What and the When, and don't worry - the Where and the How will take care of themselves.
