Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dear 2006 Rhia

I'm writing from the future to tell you that you are beautiful.  Nobody has ever told you that. The most trusted people in your life tell you that you'd be pretty if you lost weight.  But I'm telling you now, beauty doesn't depend on your weight, or your face. How do you treat people? Do you love before you hate? Are you kind and genuine?  Those are the things that make you beautiful.

You can and will lose the weight, because it is important to you.  It may even be something you struggle with forever, but you will lose it, and some days you will even see how beautiful you are. Lose it to be healthier. Lose it to feel better. But don't allow yourself to become lost in the obsession.

You will go to college. It will be the happiest time of your life so far. You will be tempted to be as homesick as possible and afraid to leave Bowie behind, but don't be. A person can have two, or three, or ten, or even a hundred homes, and they will always welcome you back with open arms.  Soak up everything you can. Attend every event.  Talk to as many people as possible.  You will meet people who you fall in love with.  You will find a core group of friends who care more about you than anyone ever has before.  You will travel and see things you could never believe.  Take all the pictures you can.

One day you'll meet a boy who you'll hate.  He'll throw acorns at you and make fun of your chemistry skills, and he'll ask you to play frisbee and then refuse to throw the disk to you.  Give him a hard time.  Be as fiery as possible.  When he inevitably falls in love with you, do not question it.  Do not refuse him.  Be as open as possible, and most importantly, do not be afraid. He is the real deal, and he will challenge you in ways you never thought to be challenged.

You want right now to stay in a little bubble, afraid to question anything or speak out of turn.  You try to be a good Christian girl. You weren't even raised that way. Do not be afraid to explore. Explore religion, thoughts, life.  Explore the world, yourself, your friends.  Find the things that make you comfortable, and the things you are willing to be uncomfortable for. Sing as loud as possible, dance in public often and make a fool of yourself.  Do yoga and carry crystals.  Go outside more.

Life is about experiences, good and bad. Don't be afraid.
Everything will be okay.

Rhia from 2016

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